Finding Calm When You Feel Overwhelmed
Finding Calm When You Feel Overwhelmed
I feel overwhelmed. This is a statement I hesitate to admit. Many of us, like me, are juggling the ins and outs of our daily routines and even adding in the smallest of tasks can feel overwhelming. Recently, when I was feeling this way, I stumbled upon a quote that challenged me to view my many responsibilities in a new light.
"When life gets hectic and you feel overwhelmed, take a moment to focus on the people and things you are most grateful for. When you have an attitude of gratitude, frustrating troubles will fall by the wayside." Dana Arcuri
I love the message expressed of how simply changing our focus to someone or something positive (even just for a moment) can reduce the magnitude of our current struggles. I know it sounds cliche, but I have genuinely found it helpful to focus on what I am grateful for when still facing a struggle, challenge, or busy time.
In the spirit of making space for the good you can see in your life even when you are feeling overwhelmed, here are some things you can do that may help you find some calm.
Admit you feel overwhelmed. Sometimes, in focusing on all that we need to accomplish, we don't realize we feel paralyzed by our responsibilities. Take a moment to stop, breathe, and admit that you feel this way. This might seem small, but several full, deep breaths where you allow your belly to fill up (instead of your chest) can be very calming. Taking just a few moments to breathe may help to clarify your feelings and make managing your tasks easier.
Make a list of what needs to be done. After you've taken a little time to stop and breathe, make a list of what has been running through your mind. There are times when my to-do list feels so long it keeps me awake at night. I've gotten into the practice of writing down my priorities. When I see everything on paper, it helps those thoughts not spin around in my mind when I should be sleeping. Lists are so very helpful!
Prioritize what is the most important. To understand how important a task might be, I will ask myself why. For example, why do I need to clean the dishes or why do I need to make dinner? Feeding my family definitely carries more weight than worrying about the dishes. It's not always clear where you need to start, but by asking why, you may find which items are necessary and which ones can wait.
Admit you can't do it all. There is something ingrained in me to keep working until I've finished a task. This is why having so many things to accomplish can be so tiresome...I could keep working forever. When I admit that I actually can't do it all, there is something freeing that helps me finish important tasks and let others wait until later. It's ok to not be able to do it all. Even if you've signed up to take a meal, but it turns out to be a hard day, you can order pizza for the family instead or pick up a frozen lasagna.
Express your gratitude. Like the quote mentioned earlier, expressing gratitude can change the way you feel about a situation. I love speaking phrases of gratitude to myself towards a task, because when I'm grateful for it, the desire is stronger to work joyfully.
These are simple steps I use when I am feeling overwhelmed. I'm not an expert, but when I take the time to be kind to myself in overwhelming situations, I am better equipped to accomplish the tasks at hand. I hope I've encouraged you to do the same!
Finding Calm When You Feel Overwhelmed
#1: Looking for a fun and easy activity for your kids to do this Valentine's? Try making these Valentine's Teddy Bear Hearts!
#2: If you want a fun side to pair with soup, try making these mini-grilled cheeses! They are easy to make and too cute!
#3: Check out this sweet way to use meaningful cards you've received to make a lovely decor piece in your home!
#4: Looking for encouraging words to share with a friend or loved one? Or maybe you need just a little motivation or inspiration for yourself. Here are a few of our favorite bits of inspiration.
#5: Want to win the best dessert award at your next potluck? Then you have to make this delicious chocolatey Brownie Batter Dip!
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