Take Them A Meal
Meals for Terryn Winfield
Meals for Terryn Winfield

Coordinator: ELIZABETH MCDONALD 401-829-1885
Meal Schedule Details
Deliver Meals To:
14 Hickory Rd, Coventry, RI 02816
Thank you so much for taking them a meal. There are seven in the house who will need to eat. They do have the allergies listed above, but if you can't hit all of the allergy restrictions, don't worry. Make sure Jim knows. He can pull something together for the child with the allergy. I am sure that you know Mom and the babies need their rest. Please call Jim to coordinate the meal, and please be mindful not to hang around so they can get their rest. Jim's number is 401-536-5127. Thank you again!

Allergies:  Dairy, Gluten, A couple of the kids are gluten free and lactose free. Also of the kids cant have strawberries
Suggestions from Take Them A Meal:
  • Can't take a meal from your own kitchen?
    Send one instead. Click here to order.
  • Are you taking dinner? Consider including breakfast items too.
  • Consider taking your meal in a disposable container.
  • Can't take a meal from your own kitchen? Send one instead. Click here to order.
  • Are you taking dinner? Consider including breakfast items too.
  • Consider taking your meal in a disposable container.
Meals for Terryn Winfield
Deliver Meals To:
14 Hickory Rd, Coventry, RI 02816
Thank you so much for taking them a meal. There are seven in the house who will need to eat. They do have the allergies listed above, but if you can't hit all of the allergy restrictions, don't worry. Make sure Jim knows. He can pull something together for the child with the allergy. I am sure that you know Mom and the babies need their rest. Please call Jim to coordinate the meal, and please be mindful not to hang around so they can get their rest. Jim's number is 401-536-5127. Thank you again!

Allergies:  Dairy, Gluten, A couple of the kids are gluten free and lactose free. Also of the kids cant have strawberries
Suggestions from Take Them A Meal:
  • Can't take a meal from your own kitchen?
    Send one instead. Click here to order.
  • Are you taking dinner? Consider including breakfast items too.
  • Consider taking your meal in a disposable container.
  • Can't take a meal from your own kitchen? Send one instead. Click here to order.
  • Are you taking dinner? Consider including breakfast items too.
  • Consider taking your meal in a disposable container.
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The Meal Schedule Is Full!
You can still send a meal for the freezer or ask the Meal Coordinator to extend the schedule.
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